“A reason why we do not regard others as precious.

“A reason why we do not regard others as precious is that we pay great attention to their faults whilst ignoring their positive qualities.Unfortunately we have become very skilled in recognizing the faults of others, and we devote a great deal of mental energy to listing them, analyzing them, and even meditating on them!

And then spend time putting others down. With this critical attitude, if we disagree with our partner, Lover or colleagues about something, instead of trying to understand their point of view we repeatedly think of many reasons why we are right and they are wrong. By focusing exclusively on their faults and limitations we become angry and resentful, and rather than cherishing them we develop the wish to harm or discredit them.

In this way small disagreements can easily turn into conflicts that simmer for months and even years. We can communicate happiness, acceptance and compassion to others by not doing great acts of devotion and self-sacrifice (Which often lead to great resentment).

But by the simple absence of fault-finding and censure, by being ready to empathize with their notions and feelings, instead of forcing them to conform with ours. We can LISTEN quietly and seek to UNDERSTAND!”  Try it today


Stop trying to analyse situations your way all the time !!

Step outside the box!.


~LET GO. Pain. Hurt. Grief. Anger. Ache. Agony. Affliction. Resentment. Madness. Rejection. Fear. Pride. Ego. Expectations. Tears. Attachments. Disappointments. Torture. Torment. Trouble. Wound. Irritation. Misery. Vengeance. Selfishness.~

~ALLOW: Acceptance. Compassion. Devotion. Fidelity. Enchantment. Humility. Friendship. Delight. Respect. Trust. Honesty. Kindness. Flame. Charity. Goodness. Grace. Patience. Sweetness. Thoughtfulness. Understanding. Tenderness. Yearning. Heal yourself and LOVE!.. Every thought you think takes you forwards so think wisely.~

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Written by Joanne Wellington for Mediums World

Copyright © 2010,2015 Joanne Wellington All Rights Reserved.


Our Wandering Minds….

How To Stay Present When Your Mind Wanders

eyeOur mind seems to wander on its own, seeming to escape our abilities to tame it. How do we go about harnessing our thoughts and controlling our mind so that we can be present? This is a very good question and one that many have tried to answer. But there is no one answer, for it really comes down to you, not the path others have taken. Very often our own patterns of thought are stuck on a very personal cycle, repeating in patterns only known to us. And this is the essential component in releasing your thoughts and calming your mind. What one thinks about, what often comes to mind when you are not paying attention, is the key. You will find it is usually the same subject matter, if not the same thought occurring over and over again. These thoughts tell you what you are concerned about, or rather what you tend to focus on in life.

We create our thoughts, maybe not on purpose, but we are giving ourselves something to think about. When we let our mind wander like this, we tend to create stress and worry. We create a bigger issue in our minds than what really exists. Even if we are not aware of what we are doing, subconsciously we are manifesting stress and worry because we are focusing too much on one thing. We respond to this, that is why we may feel tense or worried without knowing why.

We can learn from our thoughts by seeing what concerns us when we are not paying attention. What do you think about when you are not really focused? What issues come up, and what keeps replaying over and over in your mind? Now this could be something you need to deal with internally by letting go of it, in order to quiet your mind. It may also just show you what you think is important. But do you really believe it is important? Maybe these are old thoughts that you feel don’t concern you anymore. Perhaps you can release them now that you understand why you have them. The real question is do you believe them, the concerns you mind plays with and struggles with?

Sometimes we are aware of what is really important in life and yet our mind will concern itself with what it wants. Once you pull yourself back and take an objective look at what your thought cycle is, you can understand it better. Just by looking at our thoughts we can stop the pattern and let it go. Understanding yourself a little better and seeing your thoughts as patterns helps release their importance because subconsciously we may believe them, pay attention to them, and even become overworked by them. Not only do we become distracted from the moment, but we also lose sight of what is important and real.

Do we believe our scattered thoughts, do we pay attention to them, do we let them rule our subconscious? Or do we objectively see what the issue is and release the cycle ourselves. It is not about breaking the cycle so much as it is about understanding it and then releasing it. So the next time you are not paying attention to your thoughts check in and see what they are about. Continue to do this, noticing if they are repetitive and what the main issue seems to be. Next find the connection it really has to you. Is it old, new, or part of something you have always had to deal with? Is it something that needs to be dealt with, or is it something you simply no longer need to think about? When we consciously release our thoughts, they will filter out of our subconscious. We can even quiet our mind and let it relax. When we take away our issues, our mind can slip into a more relaxed state, and we become relaxed as well. You will feel more at ease and even feel less worried in life. Instead of fighting your thoughts, speculate on their origins, question your attachments to that issue, and then let them go.


2012 ~ The End of Past Failures


2012 represents a new beginning for some people. However, past failures can cause many people to lose focus on their goals. In fact, some people give up just when success is right around the corner.  Society classifies a person as a loser by his or her financial success. According to Yankelovich Monitor, 80% of people identify success and accomplishment with being in control of life.  Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich, understood the crippling effects of failure. In fact, he analyzed several thousand men and women (98 percent of this group was classified as “losers”). Napoleon noted: “There are millions of people who believe themselves ‘doomed’ to poverty and failure, because of some strange force over which they believe they have no control.  They are the creators of their own ‘misfortunes,’ because of this negative belief, which is picked up by the subconscious mind, and translated into its physical equivalent.”  It is very easy for most people to point fingers at others for their failures.

FailuresDoNotDefineYouThe Path Forward

Successful people use 2012 as new opportunities for success. If individuals want to achieve something different for the year, they must understand how to manage failure and take control of their own lives. Successful people make it a habit to concentrate their energies on things that they control while victims concentrate on their lack of power.  When a person feels he is powerless, it causes him to be fearful. Doubt and worry contribute to these feelings.  Fear exists in the absence of control. Brian Tracy, author of Advanced Selling Strategies, argues: “The key to a healthy mental attitude is a sense of control, a sense that you are the primary creative force in your life.  It is a feeling that you are in control of what you do and everything that happens to you.”  Too many people focus on things beyond their control. In reality, you can control how you deal with a situation. Many so-called losers spend more time complaining about the things they can’t control. The following suggestions are offered:

  1. Develop a clear sense of purpose.
  2. Practice positive affirmations about yourself.
  3. Learn from past failures.
  4. Analyse successful people’s mistakes and learn how they cope with failure.
  5. Surround yourself with winners.


During these economic times, individuals must gain the tenacity to deal with the negative consequences of failure.  So who hasn’t failed? Helen Keller? Albert Einstein?  Oprah Winfrey? Steve Jobs?   Everyone has had some failures in his or her life.  Successful people rebound from failure.  The key is what you learn from your mistakes and your desire to bounce back from a bad situation.  For example, Thomas Edison, a great inventor, said about his failure, “I hadn’t failed, I’ve found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”  Individuals don’t need to become victims of own self-doubt because no one is destined for failure.  In fact, you don’t need to accept the status of “Loser” on your forehead.  By taking actions today, individuals will start on a new journey toward success.

 © 2012 by Daryl D. Green


 – About the Author:

About Dr. Daryl Green: Dr. Daryl Green provides motivation, guidance, and training for leaders at critical ages and stages of their development. He has over 20 years of management experience and has been noted and quoted by USA Today, Ebony Magazine, and Associated Press. For more information, you can go to nuleadership.wordpress.com or www.darylgreen.net.

Responsibility and Blame

What is the difference between responsibility and blame? The most basic answer to that question is judgment; when you blame you judge. According to Merriam Webster, responsibility is defined as the quality or state of being responsible as a: moral, legal, or mental accountability. Blame, however, is defined by finding fault with someone or something.  The most obvious difference when examining these definitions is judgment. If someone blames you for something, they have found fault with something that you have done or some decision that you made. If you are to blame then something you have said or done has caused an adverse or undesired outcome.

blameI, like millions of other people, grew up in a less than ideal environment. That environment hindered my growth and development during that time. That environment helped shape me into the person that I have become today.  I could blame all my problems and bad decisions on my childhood.  I could blame all of life’s woes on my parents; convince myself, as well as others, they are terrible people or at least terrible parents. However, any such ascertain would not only be unrealistic, it would be a lie. The truth is my parents did the best they could with the information they had available to them at the time. My parents will always be my greatest teachers. My parents may have made some decisions I wish they wouldn’t have, but to blame them takes away any personal responsibility. I used to blame all my hardships on my mother, especially, and I can assure you it never did me any good.  My mother always says, “that was then and this is now” and she is right; choosing to forgive all involved and take responsibility for my part in the dysfunction helped significantly. I allowed myself to learn very valuable lessons and move on with my life and even become a better person. There is payoff in the pain; being the victim and blaming others only allows you to feel helpless, and feeling this way allows for you not to make the necessary changes that will improve your quality of life.  I do realize that not everyone had a “bad” childhood but everyone has adversity that must be overcome at some point in his or her life.

Taking responsibility allows us to learn from our history and personal experiences, where as blame is just a judgment that keeps you stuck in your own personal emotional hell. Blame is a judgment that prevents us from learning from our experiences and moving on in a healthy way that is beneficial for all involved. The economy is not in chaos because of one person’s greedy decision. Our way of life has not fundamentally changed because one powerful man or woman said it should. Our current dire circumstances are a direct result of everyone’s decisions. We have corrupt politicians but they work for us and we elected them into office. We have created many of the problems that we are facing, and now is the time to take responsibility and shift into a new way of relating to each other, shifting into the next paradigm.  Stop pointing your finger with blame because every time you do there are usually three more fingers pointing back at you.  The big book tells addicts that they have “stinking thinking” and it is that thinking that got them into trouble in the first place.  Shift from blame to responsibility and help yourself and the rest of us began the healing process together. Change your language and perception and you will see the world change right before your eyes.


–    About the Author:

My name is LG Fuller and I am an aspiring author. I have always had a passion for writing and this is my attempt to turn my passion into a profession. I would love any feedback so please comment and or follow me on twitter at LGFuller07@twitter